Selaras is an Indonesian word, which simply means harmony. There are many definitions for harmony found in dictionaries but one that has a perfect match with selaras is a pleasing combination of elements in a whole. Selaras Principle describes a system of guidance for acceptable conducts to attain a desired goal (Figure 1). Three objective statements, which are maximizing, minimizing and maintaining concerned output variables. These variables may have measureable indicators. These indicators are then compared to acceptable targets or tolerable constraints. If an indicator match with the respective target or constraint then this indicator is given score one otherwise is given score zero. All score of the indicators are then inputted to a and logical gate, which results in score one when all inputted indicators scored one, and results in score 0 if one of the inputted indicator scored 0. When and gate results in one then the final goal is attained. However, when results in zero then improvement must be conducted on one or combination of inputted variables. Improvement can be done continuously until and gate results in one or the final goal has been attained. The three commands in Selaras Principle can be abbreviated as 3MI for Maximizing, Minimizing, Maintaining and Improving.
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